Opening the Energy Gates Medical Qi Gong

Opening the Energy Gates Medical Qi Gong.

A monthly series of classes taught by Susan Kansky, Senior Cert. Tai Chi, Qi Gong & Nei Gong Instructor (Energy Arts) and AOBTA Certified Instructor.

Opening the Energy Gates Medical Qi Gong – promote longevity, increase vitality, build internal strength, release stress and burnout.

These effective and gentle health exercises are easy to learn. Opening the Energy Gates can be done in as few as two minutes on breaks.  This complete, health-oriented Qi Gong exercise strengthens and balances all parts of the body. It is possible to relieve stress-related illness, heal chronic joint problems, move your lymph, strengthen your vascular system, and build internal strength. This course covers opening the spiraling pathways of the body, strengthening and energizing the internal organs and spine, and adjusting internal biomechanical alignments to prevent body damage. Minimize the stress on your body while moving, sitting or working, and improve performance. Open your whole energy system with Standing Qi Gong practices.

Learn the Three Swings and Spine Stretch. First Swing exercises and energizes the lower back, kidneys, intestines and urogenital organs. Second Swing exercises and energizes the mid-back, intestines and digestive organs. Third Swing exercises and energizes the upper body, lungs, heart and brain.

Level II Energy Gates is taught simultaneously for students repeating the class. Opening the Energy Gates Qi Gong’s gentle movements are appropriate for any age and fitness level.

For video clips & background on Susan’s teacher Master Bruce Frantzis and the Qi Gong system Susan teaches see

No Prerequisites.

Dates: Apr 9. May 21, Jun 18, 2011, Sat., 9:30 am–12:30

Location: Backway’s Physical Therapy in Prescott, 250 S. McCormick St., ½ block S. of Goodwin. Drive around to back side of building. Park and enter building at second floor level.

Tuition: $45 per three-hour session at the door. $120 for three sessions if paid at the first class. VISA, MasterCard, Discover credit or debit cards accepted.

Register: Call before you attend. Come 10 minutes early to register at the door.

Information: Call Susan Kansky at 928-925-3426.

Instructor: Susan Kansky has studied Qi Gong, Nei Gong, Tai Chi Chuan, Asian healing arts, physiology and neurobiology since 1978. Her current teacher, Master B. K. Frantzis, a formal Qi Gong and Tai Chi Chuan lineage master, is the only Westerner recognized by Beijing, China as a master of the internal arts. Susan has been teaching Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Tai Chi health exercises and Asian Bodywork Therapies since 1986 and is a Senior Instructor certified by Master Frantzis to teach Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Nei Gong. Her sensitivity to the needs of the students enables her to tailor the class to every student. Both basic and intermediate students can be effectively taught simultaneously.